Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Telly Savalas Sings "Who Loves Ya' Baby?"
Telly Savalas couldn't sing worth a crap but he was so cool it didn't really matter. Enjoy the clip and the memories. After watching you will probably have the urge to shave your head and wear some gold chains.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Best Campaign Ad, Ever (at least for this week)
I am the Gulf Coast Simpleton, and I approve this message.
Monday, June 28, 2010
"I Think I'll Have Another"

Thank goodness no one was hurt.
Trapped Drunk Driver Opens Another Beer As Awaits Rescue
AUCKLAND (Reuters) - A drunk driver trapped after overturning his car cracked open another can of beer while he waited for emergency crews to rescue him, a New Zealand court was told.
Paul Nigel Sneddon, 47, pleaded guilty to careless driving and drunken driving after being nearly three times over the legal alcohol limit in a district court in the city of Palmerston North, the Dominion Post newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Police found Sneddon, a former baker, trapped in his overturned Ford Laser on June 1, drinking a can of beer after he failed to take a corner properly and crashed through a wooden barrier, flipping his vehicle.
Defense lawyer Peter Young said that when Sneddon found he could not open the doors, "he had nothing else to do at that point, so he had another beer."
When asked by police how much he had consumed, Sneddon replied: "Plenty, I've been drinking for four days straight."
Sneddon, who is estranged from his wife, told the Wellington- based newspaper that he went on a drinking binge after losing his job at a bakery on the same day that he heard his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Judge Gregory Ross fined him NZ$1,100 (US$780) and disqualified him from driving for 10 months. It was his first offence.
New Rounds For US Army Rifles

New Rounds for Army Rifles
June 23: A new round replaces the current M855 5.56mm cartridge that has been used by U.S. troops since the early 1980s. The M855A1 offers a number of significant enhancements: improved hard target capability, increased dependability, consistent performance at all distances, improved accuracy, reduced muzzle flash and a higher velocity. It's tailored for use in the M-4 but also improves the performance of the M-16 and M-249 families of weapons.
Source: U.S. Army
Sunday, June 27, 2010
US Eliminated From World Cup

Well, the US team finally got elimated from World Cup competition by the international sports powerhouse of Ghana. Let's face it, soccer is essentially a communist sport (perfectly demonstrated by arbitrary calls of referees taking goals away from Americans and giving them to weaker opponents.) Marx and Engels would be proud. It is embarrassing for the US to even participate in the World Cup event. Frankly, I am glad I don't have to hear about it any more for four more years.
It's over
The U.S. men’s national team’s ride through the 2010 World Cup came to an abrupt end on Saturday, with Ghana playing the role of spoiler, eliminating the Americans from a second straight World Cup.
The Americans fought valiantly throughout the tournament, but ultimately came up short in improving on the 2002 U.S. team’s run to the World Cup quarterfinals. They did win their group, and did help capture the imagination of a nation, but Saturday's loss felt like a disappointment because of what more the U.S. team could have done.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friendly's Grilled Cheese Burgermelt

I want one!
Friendly's Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt
Grade: B+
Nutritional Info: 1500 calories, 97 grams fat, 2090 mgs sodium
While completely over the top, this sandwich is also pure genius. Yes, it's higher in calories, fat and sodium than the Double Down, but the ingredients in this sandwich are more harmonious, making it an embarrassingly pleasurable eating experience. (As one of our readers recently commented, " its heart, all this is is a cheeseburger on buttered toast.")
The grilled cheese "buns" were buttery, oozing with just the right amount of cheese and just the right amount of greasiness. True, the burger could have been more plump and juicy but it was the right amount of beef to balance out the two grilled cheese sandwiches. The only thing we'd do differently is skip the lettuce. Watery, shredded lettuce did not pair well with the grilled cheese.
The verdict: Considering the nutritional facts, it's going to be hard to eat another one of these without feeling significant guilt and remorse. However, we applaud Friendly's for the invention; they've guaranteed that cardiologists around the world will not be short of business.
We're starting to nervously wonder what crazy concoction will be thought up of next, and kindly ask fast-food establishments from around the country to go easy on us.
Read more:
Bionic Cat

Amputee Cat Gets Bionic FeetTo read the whole interesting article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
LONDON (AFP) – A cat which lost both back paws after a traumatic accident involving a combine harvester has regained a spring in its step after being fitted with prosthetic limbs.
In a groundbreaking surgery carried out by Noel Fitzpatrick, a Surrey-based veterinary surgeon, the custom-made implants "peg" the ankle to Oscar's foot and mimic the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Oh, Happy Day! Now For Act 2

Memorial Coliseum Roof To Come Down MondayIn the meantime, private developers have completed major development on our city's south side and completed many wonderful renovations of downtown properties. "Slow motion" is an understatement.
CORPUS CHRISTI — The remaining part of Memorial Coliseum — its iconic arched roof — will begin coming down piece by piece at 9 a.m. Monday.
A heavy shearing tool that is able to tear through the roof’s iron frame will be delivered to the demolition site this weekend, city engineer Jerry Shoemaker said.
Once the scissor-like tool cuts the frame, the roof will collapse onto the empty concrete floor, starting with the section on the front northern corner, he said.
Now is when the real excitement begins. After reading numerous articles and hearing many news interviews, it is obvious that no one in our City's leadership has a clue of what to do on the vacant property. I have traveled to many cities around the country and witnessed where many once-delapitated areas have been transformed into wonderful and profitable projects--for both devlopers and tax payers.
By the way, does anyone else notice how every plan to re-develop the downtown includes plans to "re-route Ocean Drive" and/or add some sort of wading pool? Someone--probably some consultant--has got council members convinced that more curves need to be put along the bayfront. Obviously, moving roads and changing traffic flow fulfills certain power trips held by certain city leaders. The whole wading pool thing is mysterious as well. Do council members visualize hot and tired tourists and pedestrians flopping in the water after a long day of shopping and strolling? These high maintenance, water-wasting fountains simply function as kiddy pools and result in garbage cans overstuffed with dirty diapers and empty Happy Meal containers. How many days out of the year are the CC Water Garden down for maintenance?
Just sit back now and watch the second act of the comedy begin. This act should take at least another decade.
To read the whole Caller Times article on the final phase of the Memorial Coliesuem demolition, click the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Heading To Texas

I can imagine the process for shipping medical waste and body parts for medical purposes is just as arduous a task, if not more so. All I can say is that some poor shipping supervisor--who was probably being pushed by upper management to meet a deadline--is gonna have their head chopped over this incident.
(I will spare you by not posting a picture of cadaveric donors.)
Southwest Airlines employee finds human heads on their way to Fort WorthTo read the entire article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
A Southwest Airlines employee called police after finding 40 to 60 human heads in a package set to be transported to a Fort Worth medical research company, the airline said.
"It wasn't labeled or packaged properly," said Ashley Rogers, a Southwest spokeswoman. "They called the local authorities."
The incident happened in Little Rock, Ark., last Wednesday, she said.
Little Rock police turned the heads over to the county coroner, who questions where they came from and if they were properly obtained.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Who Is John Galt?" - Atlas Shrugged To Hit The Big Screen

Obama and company should have been reading Ayn Rand at Harvard instead of Saul Alinsky. Hopefully this movie--perhaps a trilogy of movies--will show others the ultimate effect of government-reliance instead of self-reliance.
I look forward to the movie and I hope it is well-produced. I can envision "Who Is John Galt?" bumper stickers and t-shirts all over the place. I only hope it is not too late.
Variety magazine reports:
The long-brewing feature version of author Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" has begun shooting in Los Angeles as a $5 million indie produced by John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow.To read the whole Variety article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Cameras began rolling over the weekend on a five-week shoot for "Atlas Shrugged Part One" with Paul Johansson directing from Brian Patrick O'Toole's script. Aglialoro would have lost the feature rights if the film wasn't in production by Saturday.
A spokesman for Aglialoro -- the CEO of exercise equipment producer Cybex -- said there will be at least one more "Atlas Shrugged" shot after the current film's completed. Rand's massive novel is divided into three parts, each consisting of 10 chapters.
"Atlas," published in 1957, takes place in a dystopian version of the U.S. in which society has collapsed as the government gains increasing control over industry. The decline occurs while the most productive citizens, led by John Galt, begin vanishing.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Gary Brooks Faulkner-A Man On A Mission

Unfortunately, our current administration will probably indict him on human rights offenses or gun charges.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — An American armed with a pistol and a 40-inch sword was detained in northern Pakistan and told investigators he was on a solo mission to kill Usama bin Laden, a police officer said Tuesday.Anyone up for a summer mission trip to Pakistan?
The man was identified as 52-year-old Californian construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner, said officer Mumtaz Ahmad Khan.
He was picked up in a forest in the Chitral region late on Sunday, he said.
"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Usama bin Laden," said Khan. But he said when officers seized the pistol, the sword and night-vision equipment, "our suspicion grew."
Khan said Faulkner was also carrying a book containing Christian verses and teachings.To read the whole story, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
When asked why he thought he had a chance of tracing bin Laden, Faulkner replied, "God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him," said Khan.
"The 2nd Amendment" - Best Campaign Ad, Ever! (at least for today)
Bob McConnell is running for Congress in Colorado's 3rd District. I encourage everyone who can to vote for this man--or men and women who share his values.
I am the Gulf Coast Simpleton and I approve this message
I am the Gulf Coast Simpleton and I approve this message
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Gather Your Armies" - Best Campaign Ad, Ever!
I am the Gulf Coast Simpleton and I approve this message.
Election 2012,
Rick Barber,
Tea Party,
US Congress
Congressman Etheridge (D-NC) Goes Berzerk
Blue Dog Democats who have been kowtowing to Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman and Co. are getting a little irritable as the November elections approach. As the Bible teaches, "a man reaps what he sows." So it will be for our Southern "moderate" democrats who talk conservative at home during election time but head to Washington and support the liberal agenda time and time again.
Mike Flynn has more at Just click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Mike Flynn has more at Just click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Jimmy Dean, R.I.P.

Classic country music legend and sausauge mogul Jimmy Ray Dean died today at the age of 81. Jimmy is best known for his country hit "Big Bad John." He also was a breakfast sausage entrepreneur. Jimmy was born into poverty in Plainview, Texas and died a legend in Virginia.
The following is from the AP:
Jimmy Dean, a country music legend for his smash hit about a workingman hero, "Big Bad John," and an entrepreneur known for his sausage brand, has died. He was 81.To visit the Jimmy Dean family website, copy and paste this:
His wife, Donna Meade Dean, says her husband died at 7:54 p.m. Sunday at their Henrico County, Va., home, south of Richmond.
She tells The Associated Press that he had some health problems but was still functioning well, so his death came as a shock.
Born in 1928, Dean was raised in poverty in Plainview, Texas, and dropped out of high school after the ninth grade. But he went on to a successful entertainment career in the '50s and '60s.
In 1969, Dean went into the sausage business, starting the Jimmy Dean Meat Co. He sold the company to Sara Lee Corp. in 1984.
To listen to "Big Bad John", click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Jimmy Dean, American country legend, R.I.P.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Drunk Woman Takes Car On A General Lee Over Toll Booth
The below picture is of our wanna-be Bo Duke. All she needs is the rebel flag and a horn that plays "Dixie". INSANITY!!!

Thanks to the police report, posted by The Dallas Observer, we've now learned a lot more about the incident and Yasmine Audia Villasana, the driver of the car.To read it all, just click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
When police approached the car after the accident, Villasana told them she was rear-ended, which caused her car to shoot over the tollbooth and catch on fire. This was easily contradicted by the 123 feet of skid marks in front of the booth, the lack of any damage to the rear of her car, and the video tape from the security camera.
The police report also notes she kept trying to get back in the car while it was on fire.
Given these clues, the police asked her if she'd been drinking. Villasana informed them she'd had a vodka and cranberry juice the night before, but nothing prior to the crash. After a visual test and a breathalyzer, she was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Is the Gold Rally Nearing Its End?

"Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered."
Don't be a pig in the gold market.
The following article about Fed Chairman Bernanke's comments on gold prices reminds me of Alan Greenspan's "irrational exuberance" comments at the height of the 1990's tech bubble.
Bernanke Puzzled by Gold Rally
By Jon Hilsenrath
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says he’s a bit puzzled by surging gold prices. The 30% rally from a year ago, on top of gains in previous years, might be interpreted as a loud signal from markets that big inflation pressures are building in the U.S. Gold is seen by many investors as a hedge against inflation risk.
In this case, it might instead be a risk against risk broadly. Mr. Bernanke notes that the inflation signal isn’t confirmed by movements in other asset classes. Yields on Treasury bonds tend to rise when investors worry about inflation, but those yields have been falling recently. Inflation expectations as measured in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) markets remain low. And other commodity prices are falling. Gold is breaking records, but copper prices are down 17% so far this year.
“I don’t fully understand movements in the gold price,” Mr. Bernanke admitted. But he suggested it might be another example of investors fleeing risky assets and flocking to assets that are perceived as less risky, not only Treasury bonds, but also ones like gold.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Dog For Sale
I received the following in a forwarded email. Very clever.
Whether you own a dog or not, you must appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog. Read the sales pitch below!

Dog For Sale
Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood for him to eat. Most of them knew Jethro only by his Oriental street name, Ho Lee Schitt.
Pelosi Heckled

This video clip is of our Honorable Speaker of the House being heckled during today's speech. The top picture was at the beginning of the speech while the second is how she looked after the incident.
The hecklers obviously got under her skin. It is unfortunate there was not a bucket of water for someone to throw on her to help cool her off.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Futuristic German Shooting Range
This place is like Cabella's on steroids. Leave it to the Germans. There is no telling what they are planning for.
Hat tip to Missie Bailey. (The lady likes her guns.)
Hat tip to Missie Bailey. (The lady likes her guns.)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I Have The Power
Saturday, June 5, 2010
No Power In Corpus Christi

I moved all the frozen foods out of my freezers and into the freezer at my in-law's house. Also, I thoroughly cleaned our refrigerator--removing some items and throwing others in the garbage. Both freezers and the refigerator are spic-n-span. Thank goodness we had a place to move the stuff. I cannot imagine a severe hurricane hitting our area.
Probably, the fact that Corpus Christi has had no severe storms in recent years have allowed trees and limbs to get too big and entangled in lines or above lines in many neighborhoods. Thus, our current situation. We are inconvenienced but happy to have no injuries or damage.
To get the latest Caller Times story click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Roller Coaster-DJIA

Want a hot stock tip? Buy BP.
FOX Business
Emboldened by the best pending home sales report in six months and a surge in the energy sector, the bulls stormed back onto to Wall Street on Wednesday after taking an extended holiday weekend, sending the Dow surging more than 225 points.
Today’s Markets
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 225.52 points, or 2.25%, to 10249.54, the Standard & Poor's 500 added 27.67 points, or 2.58%, to 1098.38 and the Nasdaq Composite picked up 58.74 points, or 2.64%, to 2281.07. The FOX 50 gained 17.32 points, or 2.19%, to 807.78.
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