I can imagine the process for shipping medical waste and body parts for medical purposes is just as arduous a task, if not more so. All I can say is that some poor shipping supervisor--who was probably being pushed by upper management to meet a deadline--is gonna have their head chopped over this incident.
(I will spare you by not posting a picture of cadaveric donors.)
Southwest Airlines employee finds human heads on their way to Fort WorthTo read the entire article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local-beat/Human-Heads-Found-in-Package-on-Way-to-N-Texas-96529404.html
A Southwest Airlines employee called police after finding 40 to 60 human heads in a package set to be transported to a Fort Worth medical research company, the airline said.
"It wasn't labeled or packaged properly," said Ashley Rogers, a Southwest spokeswoman. "They called the local authorities."
The incident happened in Little Rock, Ark., last Wednesday, she said.
Little Rock police turned the heads over to the county coroner, who questions where they came from and if they were properly obtained.
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