The below picture is of our wanna-be Bo Duke. All she needs is the rebel flag and a horn that plays "Dixie". INSANITY!!!

Thanks to the police report, posted by The Dallas Observer, we've now learned a lot more about the incident and Yasmine Audia Villasana, the driver of the car.To read it all, just click on the blog post title or copy and paste this:
When police approached the car after the accident, Villasana told them she was rear-ended, which caused her car to shoot over the tollbooth and catch on fire. This was easily contradicted by the 123 feet of skid marks in front of the booth, the lack of any damage to the rear of her car, and the video tape from the security camera.
The police report also notes she kept trying to get back in the car while it was on fire.
Given these clues, the police asked her if she'd been drinking. Villasana informed them she'd had a vodka and cranberry juice the night before, but nothing prior to the crash. After a visual test and a breathalyzer, she was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.
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