Memorial Coliseum Roof To Come Down MondayIn the meantime, private developers have completed major development on our city's south side and completed many wonderful renovations of downtown properties. "Slow motion" is an understatement.
CORPUS CHRISTI — The remaining part of Memorial Coliseum — its iconic arched roof — will begin coming down piece by piece at 9 a.m. Monday.
A heavy shearing tool that is able to tear through the roof’s iron frame will be delivered to the demolition site this weekend, city engineer Jerry Shoemaker said.
Once the scissor-like tool cuts the frame, the roof will collapse onto the empty concrete floor, starting with the section on the front northern corner, he said.
Now is when the real excitement begins. After reading numerous articles and hearing many news interviews, it is obvious that no one in our City's leadership has a clue of what to do on the vacant property. I have traveled to many cities around the country and witnessed where many once-delapitated areas have been transformed into wonderful and profitable projects--for both devlopers and tax payers.
By the way, does anyone else notice how every plan to re-develop the downtown includes plans to "re-route Ocean Drive" and/or add some sort of wading pool? Someone--probably some consultant--has got council members convinced that more curves need to be put along the bayfront. Obviously, moving roads and changing traffic flow fulfills certain power trips held by certain city leaders. The whole wading pool thing is mysterious as well. Do council members visualize hot and tired tourists and pedestrians flopping in the water after a long day of shopping and strolling? These high maintenance, water-wasting fountains simply function as kiddy pools and result in garbage cans overstuffed with dirty diapers and empty Happy Meal containers. How many days out of the year are the CC Water Garden down for maintenance?
Just sit back now and watch the second act of the comedy begin. This act should take at least another decade.
To read the whole Caller Times article on the final phase of the Memorial Coliesuem demolition, click the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://www.caller.com/news/2010/jun/18/memorial-coliseum-roof-to-come-down-monday/
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