This is not the way I want to die. I am glad that the maintenance man made it. Next time you bite into a sausauge and get a piece of something unidentifiable, you might think of this story.
Police: Man Sucked Into Sausage Seasoning Machine
DANVERS, Mass. – Police said a cleaning man was taken to a hospital after being sucked into a machine at a sausage-making company in Danvers. The accident happened Thursday night as the man was cleaning the vacuum-type machine that is used to season the meat at DiLigui Sausage Co. Police said the man's head and shoulders became stuck in the machine after it somehow activated while being cleaned.
Lt. Carole Germano told The Salem News that the man — whose name was not released — was freed from the machine and showed no obvious sign of trauma, but was taken to a hospital as a precaution.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the mishap.
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