***WARNING: This blog deals with GOD, GUNS, GUTS, and GREASY FOOD.***

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Putting Jesus Back Into Easter

Imagine the look on your kid's faces when they awake Easter morning to find these two gifts in their Easter baskets. First, instead of the traditional chocolate bunny, they will find choco-Jesus. Certainly, the taste will be divine. While enjoying their heavenly-tasting treat, they can play the new Wii Easter game.

Easter is becoming almost as fun as Christmas.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The New Gospel of Wealth

Amazing! Bay Area Fellowship, a local church in Corpus Christi, TX, is giving away approximately $1 million in door prizes for those who attend their Easter services.
CORPUS CHRISTI — You’ve never seen an Easter egg hunt like this before.

Bay Area Fellowship, the largest church in Corpus Christi, is giving away flat-screen televisions, skateboards, Fender guitars, furniture and 15 cars — yes, cars — at its Easter services next week.

And even those who don’t win big will walk away with something. The church has gathered donations for 15,000 gift bags, each with about $300 worth of free goods and services.

“We’re going to give some stuff away and say, ‘Imagine how great heaven is going to be if you feel that excited about a car,’ ” lead Pastor Bil Cornelius said. “It’s completely free — all you have to do is receive him.”
This takes the whole "loaves and fishes" concept to a new level. I once attended a church where first time visitors were given a loaf of homemade bread with the following note: "'I am the Bread of Life.' John 6:35." I thought that was a fitting welcome gift.

I have mixed feelings about the Bay Area event. However, what comes to mind is the fate of the original 12 followers--the Apostles:
1. Peter was crucified head down in Rome, 66 A.D.
2. Andrew was bound to death. He preached until his death in 74 A.D.
3. James, son of Zebedee, was beheaded in Jerusalem by the sword. (Acts 12:1-9).
4. John was banished to the Isle of Patmos, 96 A.D. (Rev. 1- 9).
5. Phillip was crucified at Heirapole, Phryga, 52 A.D.
6. Bartholomew was beaten, crucified, then beheaded by the command of a king, 52 A.D.
7. Thomas was run through by a lance at Corehandal, East Indies, 52 A.D.
8. Matthew was slain by the sword in the city of Ethiopia about 60 A.D.
9. James son of Alphaeus, was thrown from a pinnacle, then beaten to death, 60 A.D.
10. Thaddeus was shot to death by arrows, 72 A.D.
11. Simon was crucified in Persia, 74 A.D.
12. Judas betrayed Christ and committed suicide, 31 A.D.
The Bay Area Fellowship technique might be the ultimate bait-and-switch.

To read the full article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://m.caller.com/news/2010/mar/27/the-million-dollar-giveaway/

Friday, March 26, 2010

More Sickos--Just In Time For Easter

The United States of America is becoming the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah. SICK. SICK. SICK.
Just in time for Easter, Tarleton State University is playing host to a student performance of Terrence McNally's 1998 play, "Corpus Christi," which depicts a gay Jesus performing a same-sex wedding for two of his apostles.
Click on the blog post title to read the full article or copy and paste this: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/03/25/texas-town-cross-plays-gay-christ/

Thursday, March 25, 2010

On The Bright Side-DJIA

In spite of the daily onslaught of poor economic news and anti-business policies coming from DC, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has had a great year. In the past year, the DJIA has risen from about 7659 (3/25/09) to just under 11,000 (3/25/10).

I am still investing more heavily in international mutual funds--especially China, India, and Southeast Asia funds--than most financial planners recommend. Africa, the Middle East and Latin America have some great opportunities, as well. I do not expect US stocks to really take off until our leaders decide to cut corporate tax rates.

On the other hand, a pure contrarian investor would be buying more US stocks right now at low prices in anticipation of future growth. Perhaps the market is already factoring in expected policy changes after the 2010 and 2012 elections (which would explain the recent run-up). Who knows? I gave up trying to figure out market psychology years ago.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Perry-Palin 2012

In spite of voting for Rick Perry for Texas Governor three times, I was never a big fan. I once met him at a education colloquium at Texas A&M-CC. I felt he displayed both energy, intelligence, and focus. I also felt he displayed arrogance and rudeness. I also do not like his support for the Trans-Texas Corridor.

However, considering our current situation, I think he--or someone like him--is exactly what we need in Washington DC to dismantle the Obama-Pelosi-Reid socialist leviathan now entangling our nation.

Hence, I am declaring my support for a Perry-Palin ticket for the 2012 presidential election.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Win Another One for the Gipper

It's time to build a new country.


Thank Goodness for Botox

I hope botox injections are covered in Obamacare.

The Big Hand of Government--Just Relax

The House is ready to vote on the Senate's version of healthcare reform. It will be over quickly, just relax.

Pass the Lipitor

Here is a giant mug made of bacon filled with chedder cheese. It can induce heart attacks by just looking at it. Pass the Lipitor.

For similar dishes, check out: http://thisiswhyyourefat.com

Bon appetit!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break 2010--Update #5

I have been thinking we might avoid a spring break shooting this year. I spent some very nice days up in Port Aransas. The beach experience has been quite pleasant except for the traffic near the JP Luby Park access roads. However, early this morning, we had our first shooting of Spring Break 2010.

Apparently, one psycho was jumping up-and-down in another psycho's truck bed. The driver began blasting his 9mm, apparently hitting his "friend" in the neck. The dispute was over a woman. Apparently, the shooter and his girlfriend had been living homeless in the pick-up.

Click on the blog post title for the Caller Times article or copy and paste this: http://www.caller.com/news/2010/mar/19/man-shot-mustang-island-beach-overnight/

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break 2010--Update #4

News. No dogs allowed on the beach between Beach Acces Road 3 and Zahn road. Leash or no leash and regardless of size--NO DOGS ALLOWED. (Click blog post title for KRIS-TV story.)

Spring Break 2010--Update #3

So far, the biggest problem at the beach seems to be some loose sand and stuck vehicles. The police have only issued several citations for public intoxication. (Click the blog post title for the Caller-Times article.)

I actually drove out to Port Aranasas after a Friday evening wedding. There were at least a dozen police officers between JFK Causeway and Port A. Many were hiding and several vehicles were pulled over.

The beach in Port A was beautiful. The sun was out and the light NNW wind made for near-perfect conditions. There seemed to be more winter Texans out than spring breakers. I headed back to Corpus Christi by early afternoon. The traffic heading out to the beach from town was getting heavier. A friend of mine told me that by 3:00 PM, the traffic was backed up from Access Road 3 all the way to the JFK Causeway bridge. The right lane, however, was still moving for those wanting to go south of Bob Hall Pier or to the Padre Island National Seashore--the more sane places where decent folks go.

The weather somewhat deteriorated on Sunday. It got a little cooler and the wind picked up and changed direction. Be sure to take a jacket if you decide to head out. And watch out for drunk drivers and police--there are lots of both of them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break 2010--Update #2

No news of violence, death and/or destruction yet from the beach. I have faith--it will come. Hopefully it will not be too bad or harm any innocents.

Keep checking back for frequent updates.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Break 2010--Update #1

(Click the blog post title for the related Caller-Times article.)

Sun is coming out and temperatures are heading into the 80's. Spring Break is ready to switch into high gear. Hang on to your hats.

Keep checking back for frequent updates.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break 2010--Death Watch

I intend to blog on all deaths, injuries, and acts of assault and other violence associated with the Coastal Bend's 2010 Spring Break on Padre Island.

So, pull up your beach chair and let's have a barbecue in the backyard until the spring breakers have had their fill of switchblades, pit-bulls, and debauchery.

I'll see you on the beach when it is safe to come out--in April. Be sure to check back for frequent updates.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Congratulations Joe McComb

What an upset by Joe McComb, winning the Republican race for Nueces County Commissioner, Precinct #4!!! I give a lot of credit for the win to this nice lady holding the sign.

Click on the blog post title for election results or copy and paste this: http://www.kristv.com/pages/march-2nd-2010-primary-election-results/

Pluto Platters

Have you ever heard of Pluto Platters? Probably not. However, you may have heard what they were re-named: Frisbees. How many millions of people have experienced loads of fun with this simple invention? Countless.

Hats off to entrepreneur and inventor of the Frisbee--Walter Fredrick Morrison. Dead at 90. RIP.

Click on the post title to read the article or copy and paste this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100212/ap_on_sp_ot/us_obit_frisbee_inventor

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

From A Stereotypical Racist-Sexist-Conservative Gun Nut

Allow me to toot my own horn: As a stereotypical racist-sexist-conservative gun nut, I just voted for 3 females in their respective Republican primaries. Two are Hispanic and one is Anglo. So much for stereotypes.

Debra Medina (top with handgun) is running for Texas Governor.

Jessica Puente-Bradshaw (center) is running for US House of Representative--Texas District #27.

Connie Scott (bottom) is running for Texas State Representative--District #34.

Good luck ladies. Thank you for being role models for my 3 daughters.