Two nice bucks killed by customers on Hals lease on the King Ranch opening week end. Notice the age!!!
Elvis 185 (8 yrs old) Stickers 226 (7 years old and a new Mota Bonita record)
Beautiful deer!
I like family, hunting, fishing, power tools (especially chainsaws), watching Fox News, eating artery-clogging foods, investing in mutual funds and real estate, politics, theology, taking huge piles of brush to the city dump, and going on sailing adventures with my brothers. If you like any of these things, you might like my blog. Then again, you might not.
James Carville says he views the joke he made at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast as "mild."To see the Real Clear Politics clip, click the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2010/11/18/carville_if_hillary_gave_obama_one_of_her_balls_hed_have_two.html
"If Hillary gave him [Obama] one of her balls, they'd both have two," Democratic strategist James Carville told the Christian Science Monitor at a breakfast on Thursday morning.
"If I offended anybody, I'm not sorry and I don't apologize," Carville told CNN.
NBC -- Juliana Merighi has been fishing since she was five-years-old.Nice catch!
Little did she know that by age 13 she would be breaking world records.
"I don't even think the fish was unhooked yet and I was saying to her, 'Wow, you just achieved what guys in their 70s and 80s have fished their whole lives for and never, never get to attain'," Juliana's father Tom Merighi said.
The bass Juliana caught is almost as big as she is.
The Vineland, New Jersey girl landed a 58-pound striped bass in the Delaware Bay off Cape May County a couple of weeks ago, and as a result she may have broken the junior female record of 47 pounds for a striped bass that was caught off the shore of North Wildwood, New Jersey in 2006.
"When it came up and I saw how big it was, I was like, amazed," Juliana said.
It could take months to officially confirm that this little angler has set a new world record, but the documentation from Juliana's catch already has been sent to the International Game Fish Association.
As for the fish's fate?
Juliana did not taste the fruits of her labor.
Grim Dems Await Huge House LossesTo read the whole Politico article, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=03A44CBF-0C07-448A-99CB09FC8163E166
By: Alex Isenstad
October 31, 2010 04:53 PM EDT
The last TV ads have been cut. The final polls have been conducted. The end-of-campaign expenditures are being made.
Now, for Democratic consultants and campaign officials who have plotted and strategized for months to preserve the embattled House majority, there’s nothing left to do but sit and wait for the expected horrors of Election Day to unfold.
There is nearly uniform consensus among Democratic campaign professionals that the House is gone — the only question, it seems, is how many seats they will lose.
While few will say so on the record for fear of alienating party officials or depressing turnout, every one of nearly a dozen Democratic House consultants and political strategists surveyed expect a GOP majority to be elected Tuesday — the consensus was that Democrats would lose somewhere between 50 and 60 seats.
A senior party consultant who was on the low end with his predictions said the party would lose between 40 and 50 seats. On the high end, one Democratic consultant said losses could number around 70 seats.
All spoke to the grimness of the mood.
“It sucks,” said Dave Beattie, a Florida-based Democratic pollster who is working on a slate of competitive House races and who acknowledges that the lower congressional chamber is lost. “I’m resigned to the fact that it sucks.”
1. A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.
2. A simple person lacking common sense; prone to boorish behavior and crude mannerisms.