A survey by Mens Health magazine ranks Corpus Christi, TX as "America's Fattest City." This article is embarassing for our city:
Go to Google Maps, type in "United States," and you'll be reminded of just how big Texas is. But what you can't see is the size of the state's citizenry: Five Lone Star cities are among the nation's fattest, with Corpulent Christi at the top.I know, I could stand to drop a couple dozen pounds myself.
To arrive at our rankings, we calculated the percentage of people who are overweight, the percentage with type 2 diabetes, the percentage who haven't left the couch in a month (CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System); the money spent on junk food (Bureau of Labor Statistics); and finally, the number of people who ate fast food nine or more times in a month (Mediamark Research).
To see all results of the survey, click on the blog post title or copy and paste this: http://www.menshealth.com/fattestcities2010/?cm_mmc=MagURL-_-May2010-_-metrogrades-_-FattestCities2010
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