I had a variety of events worthy of comment on this Valentine's Day:
1. I woke before dawn and brought Laura's flowers and K3's candy from the garage. The girls loved their presents and I received some of the best cards a Daddy could get.
2. Laura brought me a new shirt for V-Day. We were unsure of the shirt's color. It wasn't pink; nor was it red or rose. After some debate, discussion, and some advice from a nice lady at church, we decided the color of the shirt was "manberry." Does crayola have a manberry-colored crayon?
3. After church we went for a Valentine's Day brunch at Taqueria Jaliscos. Migas Plate Special for $2.99. Oh yeah!!!
4. I performed an excellent wedding ceremony at Moravian Hall this afternoon. All went well except for a delay due to the sound system. I didn't stay for the barbeque dinner. For years I wondered just what exactly was Moravian Hall. Interestingly, I found that nearly a century ago, that part of town was a Czech farming community. The hall was esentially the Czech community center and St. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church was the Czech parish. That makes sense because St. Cyril and Methodius were the missionaries who took Christianity to Eastern Europe. If you've noticed, there aren't many Czechs or farmers on Kostoryz Road anymore. It's mostly Mexcian resturants and bars. Times change.
5. After the wedding, I came home with a serious headace, so, I took a nap.
6. After my nap, I wrote checks for the 2nd half of February. Then I took a $10 coupon down to Academy in hopes of finding an after hunting season sale on shotgun shells. No dice. $59/case! Somebody should be shot! They were $39/case in August. I guess I will stock up this summer.
7. After Academy, I stopped by Rudy's Barbeque and bought 3/4 LB. of chopped beef. Laura and I made some killer baked potatoes with lots of spicy sauce and jalepenos. Then I ate a sour cream cake donut. Pass the Pepto bismol.
8. Enjoying the Winter Olympics--just not the trial lawyer advertisements during EVERY commercial. SICK!!! More on them later. My stomach can't handle anymore.