Easter is becoming almost as fun as Christmas.
I like family, hunting, fishing, power tools (especially chainsaws), watching Fox News, eating artery-clogging foods, investing in mutual funds and real estate, politics, theology, taking huge piles of brush to the city dump, and going on sailing adventures with my brothers. If you like any of these things, you might like my blog. Then again, you might not.
CORPUS CHRISTI — You’ve never seen an Easter egg hunt like this before.This takes the whole "loaves and fishes" concept to a new level. I once attended a church where first time visitors were given a loaf of homemade bread with the following note: "'I am the Bread of Life.' John 6:35." I thought that was a fitting welcome gift.
Bay Area Fellowship, the largest church in Corpus Christi, is giving away flat-screen televisions, skateboards, Fender guitars, furniture and 15 cars — yes, cars — at its Easter services next week.
And even those who don’t win big will walk away with something. The church has gathered donations for 15,000 gift bags, each with about $300 worth of free goods and services.
“We’re going to give some stuff away and say, ‘Imagine how great heaven is going to be if you feel that excited about a car,’ ” lead Pastor Bil Cornelius said. “It’s completely free — all you have to do is receive him.”
1. Peter was crucified head down in Rome, 66 A.D.The Bay Area Fellowship technique might be the ultimate bait-and-switch.
2. Andrew was bound to death. He preached until his death in 74 A.D.
3. James, son of Zebedee, was beheaded in Jerusalem by the sword. (Acts 12:1-9).
4. John was banished to the Isle of Patmos, 96 A.D. (Rev. 1- 9).
5. Phillip was crucified at Heirapole, Phryga, 52 A.D.
6. Bartholomew was beaten, crucified, then beheaded by the command of a king, 52 A.D.
7. Thomas was run through by a lance at Corehandal, East Indies, 52 A.D.
8. Matthew was slain by the sword in the city of Ethiopia about 60 A.D.
9. James son of Alphaeus, was thrown from a pinnacle, then beaten to death, 60 A.D.
10. Thaddeus was shot to death by arrows, 72 A.D.
11. Simon was crucified in Persia, 74 A.D.
12. Judas betrayed Christ and committed suicide, 31 A.D.
Just in time for Easter, Tarleton State University is playing host to a student performance of Terrence McNally's 1998 play, "Corpus Christi," which depicts a gay Jesus performing a same-sex wedding for two of his apostles.Click on the blog post title to read the full article or copy and paste this: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/03/25/texas-town-cross-plays-gay-christ/
1. A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool.
2. A simple person lacking common sense; prone to boorish behavior and crude mannerisms.